Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Saved by Geno : The New York Jets, NFL Franchise or TV Series?

by Chris Sexton

The Jets. J-e-t-s Jets. We spell our team name not because of the ease of it all, but to force the fact that we are jet fans and we may not change that. Like a kid trying to remember what year Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue, the quick and constant repetition of the "J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!" chant brainwashes us in our undying fandom. When Double Down Trent, sent out the blog signal ( Like the bat signal, but instead of a bat, its a silhouette of a guy in flannel PJ's drinking mountain dew over a laptop) to me for my opinion on the Gang Green's draft, i couldn't resist the chance to let my feelings on the matter be heard. 

Friday, April 26, 2013

2013 NFL Draft Running Diary : Round 1

by Steve Coulter

The calm before the storm.
Exactly two hours away from the first round of the 2013 NFL Draft and I couldn’t be more excited. I don’t want to get too ahead of myself because my hands will be at the keyboard for the next five to six hours writing this running diary of tonight’s events. However, I will say this before I get started: this is my first attempt of doing a running diary during a live sporting “event.” I have done live blogs of games, but never something as intense, as hyped and as built up as the NFL Draft.
For those of you who know me, it’s common knowledge that I am a draft nut and have been ever since I can remember. I am not going to give you a Henry Hill-type monologue, but I will say that I have been to two drafts live – 2002 and 2004 – and hopefully will be attending next year’s 2014, if all goes to plan. So don’t count on this being an annual thing, but I thought it would be worth an attempt. Some may like it, some may hate it. Such is life.
Anyways, without further ado: the 2013 NFL Draft Running Diary.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mock Draft - Coulter Style

By Steve Coulter 

Let's skip the prelude, I'm sure you don't need much of an introduction with the NFL Draft less than a week away and mocks coming from everyone from Mel Kiper to this guy who forgot to actually, ya know, make his mock selections. Anyways, brief rant has ended. On to my only mock draft of 2013...

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Killer Instincts

by Ryan Cazalet

It's been almost a month since we here at Double Down announced the creation of this new website. Well it turns out that it takes about a month to start a website like this. Actually more than that, but we're on a tight deadline from some people that you don't want to owe anything to. So here goes nothing.

There are two major themes you will be dealing with on this website and they are, in no particular order, sports and entertainment. And by sports we mean football, baseball, basketball, hockey and occasionally some secondary sports like soccer. And be entertainment we mean movies, television shows, celebrities and general things that entertain the average red blooded American. And since last night I just so happen to have been having this discussion, I decided to make it the inaugural piece.