Monday, June 24, 2013

The Other Ten Best Films of the Last Five Years

by Ryan Cazalet

Coulter released his list of the 10 best films of the past five years and it was impressive. Reflecting back on my list it appears Coulter has a more refined palate than I. He prefers the aged single barrel scotches while I go for more of the big batch tequila; intense dedication to the craft as opposed to a punch in the face.

My movie appreciation is very eclectic but I generally prefer movies with exceptional writing and incredible visuals. I have a general guidelines template that I'm working out and its tentatively called The Three S's; Sights, Sounds and Story. Is the movie visually captivating? Is the writing, music and sound (the all fall under Sounds) working together? And most importantly is the story driving the movie? If your film meets those three criteria chances are I enjoy it.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Ten Best Films of the Last Five Years (2008-2012)

Coulter kicks off our two part piece in which Double Down Trent picks the ten best films from the past five years. For those of you who struggle with math we're talking about 2008-2012. Tomorrow Cazalet will give you his list and you can determine whether or not we are morons or connoisseurs.

The 10 Best Films ATWBB 

by Steve Coulter

Five months into the 2013 film year and there hasn't been a single film that I've seen that I would rank in the top 25 movies I've seen over the last five years.